Taste Of Medan is the place for an authentic Indonesian cuisine experience such as Nasi Soto, Lontong and many more! Come give them a try!
Category: Store Guide
The Green Party
The Green Party is dedicated to offering our customers a range of stylish products. Our products are designed to reflect the latest trends, combining style with quality to provide comfort and convenience in your daily life.
Mr DIY Plus
Shop for essentials at ‘Always Low Prices’ while being entertained, enlightened, and inspired at
Malaysia’s top value superstore, MR D.I.Y. PLUS. Its themed outlet at IPC Shopping Centre spans 23,000 sq ft and features MR D.I.Y. Group’s esteemed brands—MR D.I.Y., MR. DOLLAR, MR. TOY, and EMTOP under one roof. Enjoy an engaging, colorful shopping experience with unique attractions like interactive walls, an eco-corner, a workshop and event space, Instagrammable corners, and shop like never before!
Galaxy Kid
Don’t walk, ride~
Get awesome train rides with your loved ones!
Books For A Better World
BFBW is a self-service preloved bookshop (no staff, cashless payment)
Jadioc Barbershop
Welcome to Jadioc Barbershop, where we are dedicated to providing top-quality grooming services for men. Our barbershop was established in 2018 in Malaysia with the aim of creating a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for our clients. Our team of skilled barbers is committed to providing you with the highest standard of service and a satisfying grooming experience.