1) Lokal RM10 E-voucher*
Tack Club members that spend min. RM200 in 2 receipts within the same day can redeem 1pc of Lokal RM10 e-voucher.
(In celebration of Women’s History Month, Female Tack Club members can redeem 2pcs of Lokal RM10 e-vouchers during weekdays!)
2) IPC Cutlery Set*

Boost app users that spend min. RM200 in 2 transactions via Boost app within the same day can redeem 1 unit of IPC premium stainless steel cutlery set.
*For Boost app users only.

New Tack Club Member Perk
Sign up as Tack Club member via the IPC app during weekends (20 – 21 & 27 – 28 March) to get 1 extra FREE Gift from us!*
*No sign up fee required
New Små Club Member Perk
Sign up as Små Club member via the IPC app during weekends (20 – 21 & 27 – 28 March) to get 1 FREE DIY Art Kit from us!*
*No sign up fee required
- DOWNLOAD the IPC App in iOS or Android.
- REGISTER your details in the IPC App.
- Start collecting E-VOUCHERS!
- Gift-with-purchase (GWP) redemption of Lokal e-voucher and IPC premium stainless steel cutlery set can be made daily at the i-Counter, Level G starting from 10:00am on 19 MAR 2021, and ending at 7:30pm on 28 MAR 2021. While stocks last.
- Tack Club members can redeem ONE (1) RM10 Lokal e-voucher with minimum purchase of RM200 in a maximum combination of TWO (2) receipts within the same day. The RM10 Lokal e-vouchers are not given in accumulation of every RM200 spent.
- Example: Total receipt(s) amount is RM600 - Entitled to redeem ONE (1) RM10 Lokal e-voucher.
- Female Tack Club members can redeem TWO (2) RM10 Lokal e-vouchers with minimum purchase of RM200 in a maximum combination of TWO (2) receipts within the same day during weekdays. The RM10 Lokal e-vouchers are not given in accumulation of every RM200 spent during weekdays.
- Example: Total receipt(s) amount is RM600 - Entitled to redeem TWO (2) RM10 Lokal e-vouchers during weekdays.
- Boost app users can redeem ONE (1) unit of IPC premium stainless steel cutlery set with minimum purchase of RM200 in a maximum combination of TWO (2) transactions via Boost app within the same day. The IPC premium stainless steel cutlery sets are not given in accumulation of every RM200 spent.
- Example: Total receipt(s) amount is RM600 - Entitled to redeem ONE (1) unit of IPC premium stainless steel cutlery set.
- The RM10 Lokal e-voucher is only redeemable by registered Tack Club members.
- The IPC premium stainless steel cutlery set is only redeemable by Boost app users.
- Newly registered Tack Club and/or Små Club member via the IPC app can redeem ONE (1) extra gift during weekends (on 20, 21, 27 and 28 MAR 2021) only. While stocks last.
- Each Lokal e-voucher is valued at RM10 and can be used in participating outlets from 19 – 28 MAR 2021 only. Strictly no extension of the e-voucher expiry date from the date of issue will be allowed.
- Shoppers must be physically present and show proof of their own Tack Club membership to a Customer Service representative at the i-Counter, Level G to successfully redeem the GWP, extra gift and/or RM10 e-voucher via the IPC App. Redemption of GWP, extra gift and/or e-voucher on behalf of others is not allowed.
- Redemption of GWP, extra gift and/or RM10 e-voucher are only valid for transaction(s) within the same day, and shoppers are limited to one (1) redemption per day.
- Redeemed GWP, extra gift and/or RM10 e-voucher(s) are not non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash or other item in part or full, and must be accepted as offered.
- Tenants and staffs of IPC Shopping Centre are not allowed to participate in redemption.
- Only receipts from retail outlets located in IPC Shopping Centre and IKEA Damansara (including IKEA Restaurant, Café, Bistro and Swedish Food Market) are accepted for redemption.
- Only original receipts with clearly printed transaction amounts, date and outlet name will be accepted for redemption.
- All purchase receipts are accepted for the redemption EXCEPT receipts for money changing, utility bills, banking transactions, gift card or shopping voucher purchase, and receipts from promotion areas (unless stated otherwise).
- IPC Shopping Centre will not be held responsible in any way for the lost or damage to the GWP, extra gift and/or e-voucher(s); no replacement(s) and whatsoever will be made for the lost or damaged GWP, extra gift and/or e-voucher(s).
- IPC Shopping Centre will not be held responsible for any claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses and/or liabilities of any kind whatsoever, arising from or in connection with any transaction or dealing between participating outlet(s) and the e-voucher holder(s).
- Any misuse/tampering/forgery of e-voucher(s) may constitute a criminal offence and the offender will be liable for prosecution.
- IPC Shopping Centre reserves the right to change, modify or amend the conditions herein at any time without notice.
- Utilisation of RM10 Lokal e-voucher(s) at participating outlets is valid daily from 19 – 28 MAR 2021. Strictly no extension of the e-voucher expiry date from the date of issue will be allowed.
- Only original RM10 Lokal e-voucher(s) will be accepted and must be presented upon payment or checkout at participating outlets.
- Utilisation of more than ONE (1) RM10 Lokal e-voucher(s) in a single transaction is allowed and accepted at participating outlets.
- Example: Customer can use THREE (3) pieces of RM10 Lokal e-vouchers to offset RM30 value off total receipt amount of RM100 in a single transaction at participating outlet.
- In the event that the value of the e-voucher(s) used in a single transaction does not cover the full cost of the goods or services purchased at the participating outlet, the balance must be paid by the e-voucher holder.
- In the event that the value of the e-voucher(s) used in a single transaction exceeds the full cost of the goods or services purchased at the participating outlet, any amount remaining will be forfeited and will not be refunded.
- Each RM10 Lokal e-voucher can only be used once.
- RM10 e-voucher(s) are non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full, and is valid for a single transaction at participating outlets only.
- Any unused e-voucher(s) remaining in the IPC App after validity will be forfeited and will not be refunded.
- Any receipts used for this RM10 e-voucher redemption cannot be combined or re-used with other promotions.
- Application of RM10 e-voucher(s) in conjunction with participating outlets’ ongoing promotion is subjected to approval by the outlet itself.
- IPC Shopping Centre will not be held responsible in any way for the lost or damage to the e-voucher(s); no replacement(s) and whatsoever will be made for the lost or damaged e-voucher(s).
- IPC Shopping Centre will not be held responsible for any claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses and/or liabilities of any kind whatsoever, arising from or in connection with any transaction or dealing between participating outlet(s) and the e-voucher holder.
- Any misuse/tampering/forgery of e-vouchers may constitute a criminal offence and the offender will be liable for prosecution.
- IPC Shopping Centre reserves the right to change, modify or amend the conditions herein at any time without notice.
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